Sunday, December 31, 2006

The Kitchen needs reparation

We need to replace the fireplace for an electrical stove

Working on the Hospital Transport...

Working on adaptation from propeller shaft to diesel engine to reduce the cost of the transportation.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Yuka Adventist Hospital

The Yuka adventist Hospital is located in Yuka Village, which means "a resting place". The village is near to the town of Kalabo (aprox. 8 km).

This town of Kalabo (7800 hab) is located in the isolated Western Region of Zambia. The Yuka SDA Hospital in Kalabo is the most remote institution in the Eastern Africa Division. The nearest larger city of significance is Mongu.

Although Zambia lies in the tropics, its location on an elevated plateau ensures that the climate is seldom unpleasantly hot. There are three seasons, cool and dry from April to August, hot and dry from September to October and warm and wet from November to March. In this last season all the plain is covered by the flood produced by the waters coming from Angola, Congo and the Zambezi and Lewanika rivers.

The Institution was born in 1953. It is located 700km from the capital, Lusaka, and it's situated in a rural area which is very poor, surrounded by the Kalahari desert, which has a negative influence in the productivity of the soil.

As they are struggling against nature, they also face many diseases like Malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS, Malnutrition, Trichiasis, and other problems in the eyes like Cataracts,etc.

Most of the people take their daily baths at the river, where they get parasitic infections like Hook Worms, Schistosoma Mansoni, Phylarya, Necator Americano, Strongyloidis Stercholarys,etc.

The services offered at the hospital are:

  • Antenatal Clinic
  • Outpatient Clinic
  • Pediatrics
  • Clinical Laboratory
  • Public Health Education
  • Labor/Delivery
  • Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics

Yuka Adventist Hospital, P.O. Box 930098, Kalabo, Zambia
